Pet Pals

mobile prototype
How can dog parents and their dogs meetup with each other?
With Petpals users can: 
create a profile with their dog(s)
send friend requests to other dog parents nearby
browse and schedule meetups
check into a location and find others on the map

problem - the gap when it comes to competitors

the map doesn't show people available to meetup in that exact moment
great way to find events but doesn't keep track of the health record of dogs attending these events
not enough information about the dog (vaccines / behavioral details)

target audience research

target audience
dog parents that are:
  • older than 18 years
  • open to finding other dog parents
  • have smartphones
research results - 12 participants
  • 8% have been to a dog meet up, yet 100% of interviees would like to go to a dog meetup
  • 67% would like to know if the dog is up to date with their vaccines and know more about their behavior and health status
  • 2 interviewees mentioned Hinge as a platform they liked because it gives prompts to complete in the profile

iteration i: initial sketches and user testing

iteration ii: a/b testing and user testing

iteration iii: final prototype demo